Cindy Morales - Escape


The you today

You wake up in the morning, and it is one of those difficult days, and getting out of bed will take a good deal of extra effort. You face life’s challenges with a creepy smile pretending all is well. You go to work, raise kids, juggle jobs, stress about bills, feel drained, sleep two hours, wake-up, rinse and repeat. We all dream of a life where we have the perfect job, great amazing friends and coworkers, genius children and a bank account so grand, you are on the top 10 list of richest peeps on Forbes. Meanwhile all the amazing self-help gurus and mental health specialist suggest for us to make time for ourselves, and there is a fool proof road to success. HA! Make time, find success, extremely easy right?

We all know carving out 5 minutes of our day will have an impact far beyond repair and let’s not consider rising stress levels and foreseeing arduous multitasking. For example, like driving a car while waiting to be assisted over the phone, going over your kid’s school day and eating lunch at the same time. The best part is, when you get that multitaskers Alzheimer syndrome or what my son calls cow memory. The symptoms are: you forget your kids’ names, heading to work in sandals instead of heels, don’t remember who you were calling, forgot to close the trunk of your car before you began driving, or begin to say something that well, you just can’t remember anymore.

Having time, and instantaneous success, it’s just something human beings long for and talk about. Truth be told, it is one of those urban legends, like big foot, Nessie the Loch Ness monster, or that creepy one you might have read in school about the “taily bone” creature. Shesh gave me nightmares as a kid.

How can you be successful in a world like this? How can you find motivation to push forward or see clearly with all the fog and noise?

Are you:

  • A parent or single parent?
  • Feeling down on luck?
  • In a really bad relationship or had a few of them?
  • Not one of the lucky few to have millions of dollars sitting in their bank account?
  • Simply looking for something to take your mind off your day?

I just want to say, I’ve been there.

My motto: keep your eyes on the prize!

Wouldn’t it just be nice to get on a plane and head somewhere, anywhere? Start over, and forget about the ugly past? Gain confidence and get one step closer to feeling fulfilled?

Hi, nice to meet you my name is Cindy. I am a mom, dreamer, survivor, aspiring writer, and personal development coach with a strong passion to help others be at their best. By the way, I am totally new to blogging, and through my blog I wish to reach and touch the lives of those, like me, who have struggled in life and feel like they need an escape, a do over, and a better future. Life is to short and we must make the best of it before all we have left is a rearview mirror full of regrets.

My story begins…

I was born in a tiny country, located in the southern portion of Central America. Home of luscious rain forests, majestic mountains, breath taking beaches, and stunning wildlife. It is also known for being the location of the dinosaur filled park in the Jurassic Park movie, and the mysterious ancient stone spheres. This little country’s name is Costa Rica. No, it is not an island and no, its capital does not have chickens flying around aimlessly mid-city, well, at least not at the capital.

When I was about 4 years old my mom, in search for a better life, decided to reunite with my grandfather. He was a modest jewelry maker living in New York. She later made one more trip and began a new life in Florida. Had it not been because of her strength and bravery, my story would have been a different one today, not quite as amazing.

Growing up, I was the curious yet quiet kid. I had a question for everything, wanted to analyze everyone, and wanted answers just as bad. A simple no as a response to why something could not be, would not suffice in my thought process. This got me into a lot of trouble, and at times, I might have dragged my poor siblings in a mess or two. Travelling, speaking two languages, and engaging with other cultures throughout my younger years opened my mind to perspective. Every story has an angle, every person has a belief, and every action has a motif whether conscious or not.

Yes, this is me before embarking on the adventure of a lifetime…

The Horror Story begins…

Many years ago, my net worth was a four-dollar bill tucked in by back pocket, and a semi full backpack of clothes. In just a few minutes, that fortune dropped to two dollars, when I spent the other two buying a bus ticket to get to the next town. Once I reached my destination, I got a terrible first job and was completely alone. I was, however, determined to make it no matter what anyone said.

Then it began, somehow, I managed to get into a highly destructive and abusive relationship, which could have ended far worse had I stayed one day longer. I fell into the worst type of cycle; abuse, anxiety, and depression. Many days I would wake up hoping that the next would be better and wishing for a way to escape. There was no time, money, and hope. The days became weeks, then months, then years. Throughout this time, I met the most amazing people. I genuinely believe everyone in our life’s path plays a significant role in shaping who we are and what we become, and thanks to all those who played a key role in my life for the good, I am committed to pay it forward for those, like me, who just need someone that cared.

Today, I look back at the day I only had four dollars in my pocket, and more bruises than options. I am proud and happy to have succeeded. I am alive, the mother of the most amazing young man, and most important of all, free! Remember success is relative, there is no ultimate success in life, it is a matter of how to decide when enough is enough for you.

How did I make it out and into my new life?

  • My son, he’s my fuel and the light of my life. He gave me the strength I needed to find that imaginary paradise I longed for. To this day I fight for us.
  • My family, as they stood by me when no one else would, no matter how many times I was wrong.
  • Great friends. I call them angels placed in my path. All those people that stepped into my life, stood by me, and picked me up after every fall.
  • My intense sense of determination. Giving up, ain’t nobody got time for that. For me failure and impossible is only what you want to make out of it. Again, all about perspective failure and hardship is necessary sometimes.
Holding my boy

So, this is the deal.

I’m far from being a millionaire, but I consider myself one of the richest and luckiest persons alive. I have slept on humid cement floors instead of a bed, lived in fear a greater part of my life and I lost everything I had multiple times. I have also traveled and seen places I could have only dreamt of during the worst moments of my life. I have also been blessed with more than I could dream of. I have struggled and lost sleep, and at times wanted searched for an end, but the most important lesson I learned in life is unhappiness and not being comfortable is necessary. Having the false expectation that in life, every waking moment should be magical will only set us up for despair.

I cannot fix the world we live in nor do I have a recipe for easy success. I can only share my thoughts and perspective in hope you can find something of value in it. We sometimes believe the light at the end of the tunnel has extinguished, it is still there, we just need to add some fuel and light that baby up!

Join me in this journey.

Let us dream.

Let us create.

Let us escape….

Hi I’m Cindy…

Forget about all that binds you to the past, the future is waiting for you, wear your scars proudly, and let there be light…

Cindy Morales